Middle Management Role…Employee’s Motivation…
🐧 The Monthly Waddle - Newsletter
The Monthly Waddle
Why Should we Predict Reactions when Building our Independence?
Coaching – Leverage Strengths & Reduce Blind Spots
Why Should we Identify Our Cave Points?
Consulting – Understand Your Challenges
Why Should we Express Our Emotions?
Leadership Training – Emotional Intelligence = Effective Leadership Skills = Invaluable in Workplace
Why should you understand your emotions?
Leadership Training – Connect with Each Learner
Why should you pursue things of meaning?
The Monthly Waddle
Speaking Testimonial – Tailored to Meet Needs
EQ: Where the Rubber Meets the Road! Course
Why should we celebrate the small wins?
Coaching Testimonial – Trusted Space
What impact can a SMILE have on others?
How do you lead if you don’t have a leader as a boss?