Let’s think about it…
It depends on how often you use your Self-Regard EQ Leadership skills… Before we dive in, lets refresh our memory on what flexing our Self-Regard skills may look like: respecting yourself; understanding your strengths and weaknesses; being self-assured; a willingness to confidently admit mistakes or unfamiliarity with the situation; having a well-developed sense of identity.
To learn more about your own self-regard, you can take an EQ self-assessment or EQ 360 assessment. With this information, we would have a ton of information to customize a plan to develop your self-regard skills.
Tip, generally speaking: if you frequently use your self-regard skills, then be mindful of your weaknesses. You want to make sure you are getting feedback from your team to have a healthy view of reality.
Tip, generally speaking: if you don’t use your self-regard skills that often, then focus on the positive. Think about your past successes to enhance your self-image and don’t dwell on failure – nobody is perfect!
To learn additional tips and tricks on how to enhance your Self-Regard and other EQ leadership skills and to learn more about EQ Coaching and EQ assessments, please reach out to chat.
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